1 肯德基余荃斌 - 不该少了你
2 银鹭花生牛奶林俊杰 - 真材实料的我
3 乐事罗志祥 - 小事变乐事
4 Nokia 3230王力宏 - 放开你的心
5 丰田李敏镐 - My Everything
6 泊美张靓颖 - 感觉 Pure Love
7 OKWAP手机Twins - 变身派对
8 百老汇容祖儿 - 绿野仙踪
9 阳光柠檬茶冯曦妤 - 如果…阳光
10 美汁源陈奕迅 - 人人爱
11 统一英式伯爵奶茶Mocca - Happy
12 阿迪达斯三叶草Nicki Minaj - Masquerade
13 大众汽车Jason Mraz - I’m Yours
14 CASS啤酒Dara - Kiss
15 可爱多冰淇淋付辛博 - 这一刻,爱吧
16 丰田威驰汽车朴树 - Colorful Days
17 Alcatel手提电话TVC王杰 - 不浪漫罪名
18 雪碧饮料张惠妹 - 给我感觉
19 百老汇电视杨千嬅 - 自由行
20 明治巧克力EXILE - Ti Amo
21 哇哈哈王力宏 - 在梅边
22 H2O+抗皱精华面霜容祖儿 - 争气
23 阿萨姆奶茶蔡卓妍 - 遇见好心情
24 泛泰手机Rain - 手记
25 大众汽车牛奶咖啡 - 信仰年轻
26 美心月饼容祖儿 - 华丽邂逅
27 奥利奥Carly Rae Jepsen、Owl City - Good Time
28 松日Mp3谢霆锋 - 边走边爱
29 三星Anyclub李孝利 - Anyclub
30 康师傅绿茶杨培安 - 我相信
31 特步韩庚 - X-MAN
32 百事可乐吴莫愁 - 就现在
33 三元哈酸乳张杰 - 微笑
34 摩托罗拉T191羽泉 - 深呼吸
35 可爱多林俊杰、金莎 - 发现爱
36 索爱W580i王力宏 - 我们的歌
37 三星具惠善 - 失忆症
38 Tobe裕隆酷比汽车M‘car广告主题曲郭采洁 - 卡通人生
39 小林眼镜大嘴巴 - 爱的宣言
40 统一茶饮料周杰伦 - 对不起
41 西北樱桃蜜雪薇琪 - 一千零一夜
42 狗狗篇林绫 - 真爱的旅行
43 蓝妹啤酒Michael Bolton - When A Man Loves A Woman
44 蒙牛张含韵 - 酸酸甜甜就是我
45 阿迪达斯三叶草陈奕迅 - 蓝色频闪灯
46 宝马汽车萧敬腾 - 追寻唯一
47 飘柔罗志祥 - 美丽的误会
48 康师傅绿茶杨培安 - 只有我做得到
49 娃哈哈景岗山 - 我的眼里只有你
50 苹果IpodChairlift - Bruises
51 索爱 W950c 手机王力宏 - 不完整的旋律
52 雪碧陶喆 - 找自己
53 苏宁电器潘玮柏 - 爱不离
54 马自达汽车王力宏 - Dream Again
55 佳能张靓颖 - 无法言喻
56 步步高音乐手机BoBo - 恋爱新手
57 Lee百变Denim牛仔莫文蔚 - 爱死你
58 乐天免税店韩国群星 - So I’m Loving You
59 三星广告曲September - Earth,wind And Fire
60 森马戚薇、袁成杰 - 我的绝配
61 大众宝来汽车 This Head I Hold
62 优之良品广告歌郭力行 - 完美爱情
63 蓝妹啤酒Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You
64 百事可乐广告古天乐-蓝色的缘分
65 百事可乐广告曲陈慧琳 - 花花宇宙
66 乐风广告蔡健雅 - BEautiful LOve
67 宝岛眼镜广告主题曲萧敬腾 - 看对眼
68 百老汇容祖儿 - 心花怒放
69 CitiBank郭富城 - 风里密码
70 唐狮服饰飞儿乐团 - 三个心愿
71 PoloThe Cars - You Might Think
72 奥林巴斯Brown Eyes - 一年后
73 喜之郎果冻黄湘怡 - 喜欢
74 Nissan Terreno宇多田光 - Movin'on Without You
75 乐百氏柠檬茶苏慧伦 - Lemon Tree
76 百事可乐Britney - Joy Of Pepsi
77 闪亮滴眼露司雯嘉 - 闪亮天使
78 Nissan Terreno宇多田光 - Movin On Without You
79 柯达胶卷Westlife - Seasons In The Sun
80 Windows 95中文版童安格 - 看未来有什么不一样
81 百佳百货张信哲 - 我好想
82 益达无糖口香糖张露 - 给我一个吻
83 立邦漆Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
84 美舍雅阁黄圣依 - 薰衣草之恋
85 康师傅绿茶苏有朋 - 我的好心情
86 康师傅的辣旋风苏醒 - 我的style
87 中华电信emome杨丞琳 - 庆祝
88 索尼广告背景音乐Cyber Shot
89 DHL快递Stefanie Heinzmann、Ronan Keating - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
90 康师傅冰红茶任贤齐 - 冰力十足
91 今生金饰陈小春 - 今生今世
92 神之领域首部曲恶魔岛”线上游戏蔡依林 - 看我七十二变
93 iPod五代Eminem - Lose Yourself
94 海飞丝洗发水许茹芸 - 头发
95 日本全家便利店W-Inds - Another Days
96 雅芳彩妆Up2U孙燕姿 - Up2U
97 Ipod广告The Fratellis - Flathead
98 泰康人寿保险The World Is Wild
99 可口可乐张惠妹 - 快乐畅开
100 谢瑞麟莫文蔚 - 浓情化不开
歌曲名:Man On A Mission。vivox20广告插曲音乐详细介绍:
歌手:Richard Ashcroft
专辑:Human Conditions
歌词:Peter Cincotti - Man On A Mission
Ringing phones wake you up
Pulling you away
I forgot the end of the world
Was scheduled for today
Tell them you got things to do
And one of them is me
Tell them that you got the flu
Ah tell them anything
I'm a man who's on a mission
Waking up the woman sleeping
In your eyes
Oh I got a very strong suspicion
This could be the day
That she's ready
And she's waiting
So tell her it's okay
To come on out and play
Look at your crawling back
Smiling like a cat
At it girl you ought to be proud
Blowing them off like that
Forget about what's on your mind
Forget about your hair
Put your little hands in mine
Ah put them anywhere
I'm a man who's on a mission
Waking up the woman sleeping
In your eyes
Oh I got a very strong suspicion
This could be the day
That she's ready
And she's waiting
So tell her it's okay
To come on out and play
I don't want to talk today
Let's put the words away
Words don't matter anyway
For what I wanna say
For what I wanna say
Put your mind
Into neutral
Close your eyes
And just be kama sutral
For where I want to go
You don't need a map to read
We'll find our way there naturally
And when your body
Is in motion
We can just sit back
And let it lead the way
I'm a man who's on a mission
Waking up the woman sleeping
In your eyes
Oh I got a very strong suspicion
This could be the day
That she's ready
And she's waiting
So tell her it's okay
To come on out and play
I'm a man who's on a mission
Waking up the woman sleeping
In your eyes
Oh I got a very strong suspicion
This could be the day
So tell her it's okay
To come on out and play